When we look at lifestyle design, I think it's easy to get stuck in the details and easily overwhelmed. But the truth is, life happens and moves quickly so how do you develop healthy habits that can get you to your the results you are looking for without getting out? Here are my top 5 tips to keep you engaged in your lifestyle journey without getting board or burned out.
Enjoy the Journey
It's easy to be too focused on the results we are looking for, but the truth is, no matter your end goals lifestyle design is not just about the destination it's about the journey. If you can fall in love with the process of learning and finding new things to enjoy about improving your lifestyle, the whole process will be far more enjoyable. Does that sound easier said than done? Well, I hear you! Here are some great ideas to help you enjoy the process.
Center some of your social calendar around being active. One of my favorite things to do is to meet up with my girlfriends and take a hike. It's a great way to be social, burn calories and have fun.
Move for a cause. The whole idea that it's easier to do some thing for somebody else than it is to do it for yourself is true for many. Try signing up for an event centered around a course that speaks to you.
Pick fun new recipes. Improving your health is just so much as much about what you're putting in your body as it is about how much you are moving your body. We all tend to gravitate towards 10 signature dishes which can get boring overtime. Try new recipes that make you step out of your comfort zone and get you trying new healthy options.
Make it a family affair. It's never too early to start learning about nutrition and exercise. One of the ways we make it fun, in our family is by sharing why some foods are good for the body. We have an encyclopedia of healthy foods which is fun to read at the dinner table it helps remind us that food is medicine and what it does for our body.
Try something new. Dancing, hike a new trail, roller skating, soccer with the kids. There are so many ways to be active that are fun so switch it up once in a while.
Something is Better Than Nothing.
It's easy to come to the table with some very specific expectations about exercise. For example, before I had children, I could spend easily an hour and a half at the gym, without even batting an eyelid before work. This created a misconception that in order for exercise to count it had to last at least an hour. But the truth is a 30 minute workout that is super focused can beat out an hour of exercise that is distracted any day of the week. And doing 30 minutes of anything is better than skipping your workout. Show up tired show up angry show up unmotivated show up late but show up for yourself because showing up and doing some thing it's better than not showing up at all.
Celebrate The Non Scale Victories
I think this is one of the most important things to remember on your lifestyle, improvement journey. Your success has very little to do with the scale and what that says. I'm a big fan of celebrating the small things because it is a combination of the small things that will get you to your end goal. Celebrate the fact that you showed up for yourself consistently for a whole week. Celebrate that you finished a work out that was challenging. Celebrate that you made better choices in your meals for the week. Celebrate the fact you made yourself a priority. I promise that this will bring you joy on your journey!